Culturally Iconic?

The Popemobile is something everyone knows in any context.

In real estate there are some that we all know. The hot air balloon, the gold jacket of the 70's and 80's but nothing has stepped up and lead a revolution. Where is the real estate Che Guevara to lead the revolution? Where is the Real Estate Cultural Icon that stands for change?

"Just like the golden arches represent fast food, we believe this round sign will be the ICON for the private sale industry."
Ken LeBlanc, President National Conference
February 12, 2008

Today the journey towards icon is well under way. With franchises across the country and round signs in hundreds of communities from coast to coast is getting noticed. With well over 400 of them in Waterloo Wellington and surrounding areas it is hard to go house hunting and not see a round sign. The agents have taken notice. Directly marketing against private sale and specifically the round sign. When the top producers start setting their sights on the round sign, you know it is making an impact.

Looking at other areas of the country things are progressing just as well. When editorial cartoonist Pat Jollimore decided to focus on the federal governments decision to sell off crown assets the round sign icon was obviously emblazoned deep with in her subconscious mind.

NOTE - Due to request from the cartoonist the original has been removed. I have replaced with my own interpretation of the situation.

Published in the Halifax ChronicleHerald Sat Nov 15th

Next time you see a round sign, remember just what it stands for.

Sell Your House. Pay Yourself.


Dave Waters said...

With the feds teetering on running a defecit it would only make sense to see Steve and Jim putting up a round sign when they sell the CN Tower and other crown Assets - they need to save every penny they can too.

Just saying....Tracy said...

I'm digging your interpretation =)