Sometimes You Just Know...

Is there a higher power involved in your decision?

Have you ever walked in the door of a home and just knew? What was it that did it? Floors, colours, windows, backyard or maybe the master bedroom.

Have you considered this as a seller?

Have you focused on the key features of your home?

When a buyer pulls up out front what do they see? Not just at your house but in your neighborhood. Are the lawns kept? Is there always cars parked on the road? Can you see the park from your driveway?

They come up the walkway. Knock, knock, knock. You open your door and what do they see? Is there a predominant smell?

What makes your house stand out? Will it help you sell?

This guy knows how to sell it. I mean seriously this is the best 8:04 house tour EVER!


1 comment:

Michael Kennedy said... All I can say