Getting A-Head

Can you judge a Realtor by their head shot?

I was having breakfast with some friends on the weekend and we were thumbing through one of the local real estate rags. It was everything to keep eggs from coming out of our noses looking at some of the head shots that local real estate agents use. I found an interesting blog post showing some of the "worst Realtor head shots" so I thought I would showcase some local talent and things some of the "traditional" and not so traditional poses.

Here are a few of my favorites (along with the one above) from the aforementioned blog:
Not your parent's real estate agent.
Spray Tan, check. Teeth whitener, check.

OK so here are some pics of locals that seem to speak to the stereotypical agent head shot:

"The Tilt"

Almost like stop motion falling. I dare you to not tilt your head when you look at them.
My favorite example of the "The Tilt"...Hold on to that contract!!

"The Lean"

Probably the most versatile of poses. Often imitated and always duplicated. Here are a few styles to choose from.
The Single The Double

The Classic The Pairs.

The Prop

Nothing says "I can sell your house" like a sunburst yellow Hummer!

"High School Confidential"

Kinda speak for themselves.

"She's a Brick....House"

There are right and wrong ways to use back drops.
Right Wrong


How much teeth should one show?
Too much? Not enough?

"Location, Location, Location"

Let's take a stab where in the world they might be.
The outback? Down on the farm?
The Sun? ACC?
This guy is in Florida for sure!

"The Honour Role"

My mother-in-law cuts off the entire head!

I wonder if they are talking to each other?

Platinum Blonde want to talk to you.

Is Facebook really the place to get your head shot?

Super Ben!

I guess at the end of the day, they're only pictures and it doesn't really matter...


Anonymous said...

Among other people, my client's kids looooove my cartoon cards :)

-Super Ben

Anonymous said...

Actually, I really like the super hero cartoon. It is pretty awesome!

Unknown said...

Hey Ben I like the Super Ben cartoon as well. I can't wait for the show on YTV.

Mike Shanks PSP

Dave Waters said...

Great post Mike! This could get fun and interresting if the blog allowed attachements of photos as well...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

From the above comment (an email I received today) you can see that I must have touched a nerve.

This "professional" called my wife and threatened to put me in a wheel chair....


Unknown said...

Romeo -- you need to switch to decaf!

Dave Waters said...

Wow - Physical threats. How unprofessional. He should think before he talks too much given his profession. Must have Rubber lips.

Erich Nolan Bertussi Davies said...

I can't disagree with the common agent mistake and misnomer that a brand is your face.

using your face as your brand only applied or applies to rarities like Kernal Sanders of Kentucky Fried chicken and only because he pitched his franchise business idea for like 30 yrs as the mascot of it the whole while... getting over 1000 bugg offs before it worked out for him.

so you think your face is more recognizable than strong branding w/ logo and regular honest messaging and you take your time and pick a proud ego infused image to communicate your brand, then i submit you are indeed wasting your time effort and money in 2009, regardless of if you work near where i work in southern Ontario or if you work on the other side of the continent.

wait for that smell test to see you or go social get on facebook and show some real pictures or put a bio on your web site not a fake you, not personifications of who you think you want us to think whom you are.

you dig?

it's 2009, it is all changing...
+ it is a good thing, and mike meant no offence, he just want's you to know what he know's too, he's so bloody excited and successful because he know's it...

cheers ..


Anonymous said...

Wow, never one to comment but I used to be a realtor in the area & I recognize a few faces & it is funny. I laugh at my old mug shot on my cards. to figure out who you are so I can tell everyone I know not to use you, how unbelievably unprofessional not to mention possibly criminal! No one should take themselves THAT seriously.
Good job Mike.
PS: agents like Romeo are why I'm no longer in the biz...guilt by association, you know??

Unknown said...

Just wanted to update on why I took the "Romeo" photo off.

I have been in discussion with the broker that the agent works with. The agent has been reprimanded and put on probation.

I agreed to take his photo and comment off of my blog with a written apology to my wife. The broker has a copy of this letter and we are meeting with the agent for a formal apology.

Thanks all for your comments.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, if that is your real name :)

Thanks for the comment. I am glad that you got the just of my post. I often laugh at old photos of myself and wonder what I was thinking.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't the Oshawa Propertyguys "owner" drive a Hummer? Nothing says "I can sell your home" like a wrapped Hummer.

Unknown said...

Yea I think he drives an H3 (read not a real hummer). Did you see it on the website as a head shot....

The point was not what kind of car he is driving but what the heck it is doing in his "professional" head shot.


Unknown said...

I'd also add that the agent only had to sell one house to pay for many $699 packages does a franchisee have to sell.

Remember our motto Sell Your House. Pay Yourself.

Now the home seller can buy his own Hummer, or a Harley, or a family trip to Hawaii...