Knowledge IS Power

The question now is "Where to get the knowledge?"

As a Private Sale Professional I meet many people with the desire to do things their way. Peopl that are not interested in paying the high cost of commission to some real estate agent and looking for the best way to avoid it. This is generally why they get in touch with

They are in search of knowledge and expertise to help guide them through a process. Not a difficult process, just one that is some what foreign to them. It is not everyday one sells a house so why would you know the process in which you go about the deed?

I had a couple that called me a few years back in a bit of a panic. They had gone down to Canadian Tire and purchased a black and orange "For Sale By Owner" sign, stuck it to a 2" x 2" stake and hammered it in the lawn. They went in side, sat down with the pride of accomplishment. Before long the hearts started pounding. They looked at each other and said "Now what?". That's when they called me.

With a little guidance and the transfer of knowledge they were prepared for what came next. They learned the proper way to show their home, what it takes to ensure they have the home staged properly, how to compliment your home with photography, how to deal with buyers, how to deal with buyers that have signed a buyers agency with an agent, how the offer process works, what it means to "close", what a suitable deposit amount is, when to do an open house, how to price your home effectively, how to judge the market based on your traffic, when to involve a lawyer, how the different conditions work, what to expect in the negotiation process, and on and on.

The point here is anyone can sell their own property. All you need is the knowledge of the process. It's not rocket science!

So what is "rocket science"? I'll let her explain....



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Rocket science is when the scientists find out things about space...I think." Think? No...I don't think you do dear. That is classic.

Perhaps her friend could look it up on her iPhone.