The Perfect Grilled Cheese

PERFECTION (Through my eyes)!

The other day I was making myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. I work hard on my grilled cheese. Butter right to the edge. Just the right amount of time to pre-heat the pan. Precise timing on each side for a golden brown colour and gooey cheese.

I was so impressed with my sandwich making ability I could not help but take a photo with my Blackberry and send on to my Facebook page. This sandwich was a thing of beauty and needed to be let loose on the world.

The response shocked me. My perfect sandwich was being critiqued. People questioned the symmetry of the bread and the browning, the type of cheese, with or without onions and relish. One comment even suggested seeing a gnome if you looked long enough.

I have big enough shoulders to take this criticism. This sandwich was perfect to me, maybe not everyone else. That is when I realized it. Do you see what I see? That's just it. If everyone has a different perception of what they look for in a grilled cheese sandwich imagine what they would think of my house?

Each and every person has different wants, likes, needs and will see your house through the glasses that they wear. You are in no position to judge whether they should like it, maybe they WANT onions on their sandwich! This is where a Home Staging Professional comes in to the mix. Call them the Iron Chefs of real estate. They can take a plain jane house and whip it into a culinary masterpiece with a few secret ingredients.

Feel free to comment on how you like your grilled cheese. Are you a "classic" lover or more of a "gourmet" aficionado.

1 comment:

Dave Waters said...

Definitely a gourmet grilled cheese - multigrain bread, a variety of cheeses and lots of butter. I would certainly never hire someone to make me a grilled cheese either - the costs are way to high for what is a very simple process. I would make it myself and save that money for more gourmet cheese.