The Buyer Garden

What are you growing in your back garden?

Realtor Myth #2 - Real estate agents have all the buyers.

I hear this all the time. I always picture a a garden in behind the local real estate brokerage with new buyers poking out of the soil like pansies in the early spring. An agent standing there tossing a steaming load of sheep manure on them to ensure they are full of "nutrients". When the time comes they go back and pick a bunch of their favorites. Next, a drive around with their load of buyers delivering them to all the home sellers for a hefty price tag. Can you see it?

Truth - According to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) 90% of home buyers are using the web to search for homes. The internet has changed the way business is done, just ask a travel agent. Buyers are more savvy, better informed and often know more about properties than agents because they have been looking and focusing on the few that they are interested in. Sure some buyers are looking in the paper and some are driving around in neighbourhoods but one thing most buyers have in common is the internet. Where this deep rooted misunderstanding comes from is when agents have homes listed they get calls from buyers. If the home seller's phone number or email address was on the website listing, who do you think the buyer would contact?

When that agent is standing at your door telling you about all the buyers he has, check to see if he has any manure under his nails.


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